A bag of these old fashioned Christmas lights for 2$! I grungied the candles up with spices and re dipped them in wax to seal them.... This is now my favorite tree! :)

Grown by Grace farm is the name of our 14 acre homestead in Iowa. We came up with this name as it is our desire to grow by God's grace here, whether it be our babies, 4 kitties and a woof, crops, or gardens! Jon and I are both born again christians, which means we have a "new life" in Jesus Christ as we recognize Him as Savior of our sins, by His death and resurrection from the cross. I hope to use this blog to share with you some of the Lords blessings on our lil' country life here :)
Monday, December 23, 2013
A Christmas thrift store score
Got the plate, pine cone and greens for 1.50$!!!! Especially was thrilled about the plate. Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas !
I pray you all have a wonderful CHRISTmas and celebration of our KING and Savior born to die so that we can have everlasting LIFE if we trust, believe and give our Life to HIM!!!! What a wonderful gift of eternal life to us.....will you receive it???
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Bathroom makeover FINALLY done!
Lovely what a 23$ can of paint can do, huh???? So much work getting that paper off and the nasty thick coat of glue underneath! Ugh. With the boys keeping me busy and trying to do a garden this year it was a SLOW process but well worth it. I didn't even buy anything really besides the paint... Just did some rearranging and probably will do a bit more ;) SIGH of relief.
A flea market find!
For the weekend we went to Lake Okoboji for some family time on the DH side and had a lovely time with a Boat ride and some good food and just catching up... And BONUS they always have a huge outdoor flea market that time of year around the 4th. I only got a hour to "scan" millions of awesome antiques and vintage treasures and awesome barntiques but I did stumble upon this huge bowl. Atleast I haven't seen too many big ones in Iowa. She had the nicely cleaned up and polished gourds for 20$ and the bowl was marked 75$. I don't know much about pricing these things but usually I see the big ones for 100 to 150... Sometimes 200$. (granted there IS a small crack in the side). I asked her if she'd throw the gourds in for free if I paid full price... End of the day and most booths were packing up ....I think that's why she caved! So I THINK I got a decent deal... Anyone know much about it?
I did oil it and it made a wonderful dark tone come through ... It's got a wide rimmed edge and love the chopping marks in the bottom! I'm thinking throw some bittersweet around those gourds and I'm set for a fall centerpiece! Now if I can just convince the boys to not play with the gourds, yeah right!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
A new creation!
I've Seen these prim "chandeliers" everywhere and thought HOW EASY and cute to make one! Well it was easy..... Finding the time to make/ paint/ sand/ distress and shop for the tart pans was the hard part! Now that its nice out a million projects need done on this acreage and crafting gets the back burner :( Hubby is coaching baseball so he's gone all the time and the yard work is awfully hard to get accomplished with 2 in diapers! ( yes... My oldest STILL hasn't mastered the #2 regardless of a few hosing down episodes ;) AND our grass has gone to seed in the back! BAD. Hopefully today it gets done. Til next time. - Elisha
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