Grown by Grace farm is the name of our 14 acre homestead in Iowa. We came up with this name as it is our desire to grow by God's grace here, whether it be our babies, 4 kitties and a woof, crops, or gardens! Jon and I are both born again christians, which means we have a "new life" in Jesus Christ as we recognize Him as Savior of our sins, by His death and resurrection from the cross. I hope to use this blog to share with you some of the Lords blessings on our lil' country life here :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
My new sign
Redo bowl
..much better than I thought it would! I scratched it up really good and beat on it for awhile... painted it all black and then dry brushed it a cream color... stained it and it actually looks OLD! hooray! :)
I like my honkin jingle bell in there with some real greens...I had to wear ugly Christmas attire to get it for half off! SO i got two:)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thrift Finds
major look out for some BOWLS! The one with the star is particle wood made I believe... but the other one is a maple... and im tempted to leave it as it... except it looks too "new"... so I think Im gonna have to beat on it and play around with it until I can get the aged antique bowl look I want! The sign will get repainted and the tote... i might just try to remove all the handpainting iwth acetone....i will post the turn outs!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas Crafting

Its peppermint cocoa and I thought it was rather tasty for homemade cocoa ! I was bummed though because I wanted to put it in mason jars and layer the ingredients... but my husband couldnt find mason jar lids at the store when he was in town! (guess they are seasonal??) Maybe Ill have to start saving jelly jars with the lids for next year (FREE !:))
Anyways if you want to try to make these I thought I would share... because getting FREE ideas and recipes is the BEST!
Peppermint Cocoa:
2 cups non fat dry powdered milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powdere (not sweetened)
1/2 cup non dairy creamer
2 dashes salt
4 crushed candy canes (leave a bit chunky so you can see the colors!... theyll melt down)
Then you add about 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup (preference thing) mix to one cup hot water OR milk. Of course ya gotta MIX the peppermint in first :) I thought itd be fun to try with marshmallows or mini morsels as well???? (Half of this recipe filled up a 2 cup mason jar)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My little boy is 10 months old today!!!!
I can hardly believe it....
he is into EVERYTHING.
Yesterday he got into my house plants 3 times... dirt in his mouth, on the floor, on his hands!
It makes me wonder if a little girl would be like this ??
His favorite book is "Pat the Bunny" and he sits and "reads" it by himself often... staring at each page and turnin to the next... its so cute. He says "Da Da" and "All done!"... but it sounds more like "aaahhh duh!". He loves grahm crackers and gold fishes and banana cereal. His top 2 teeth are pushing on through! He is standing on his own... and every now and then will try to take a step! Oh Lordy help us all! :)

My lil chenille snowmen tucked inside a old graniteware bowl I found on our property in an old chicken coup.
The cupboard was a total SAVE... i bought it for 100$ at a antique store.... but it was in BAD shape... I tried to strip it years ago with NO luck and painted it a country blue (it was going into a americana room in my apt at the time). My brother and father BEGGED me to throw it out... as they got SICK of hauling this monster everytime i moved! (moved 6 times in 7 years! haha) and now I finally painted it Black and repainted the beadboard and aged it all.... the contents on the shelves are not to my liking yet.... but I was just too anxious to put something in there! :)
xmas box

This has gotta be one of my favorite redo projects EVER.... it was a 2 dollar bread box with the ugliest bunnies painted on it... I just sanded , painted and distressed and stained it.... and now I stuff it full for the seasons.
The Lil gingerbread man was a recipe I tried out with nothing but spices and applesauce and he smells JUST LIKE CHRISTMAS!
I chopped up one of our pine trees for the greenery! I forgot how POKEY those things are! But it was worth it I think.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
New ORGANIZED craft room
I had my late grandma's ironing board... and no place to put it until now! But i think it works well as its long and narrow... works well to put my storage items on. I also added a bulletin board to the wall that I scored at the GW for 3 bucks. The jar caddy was a primitive re do project for me... as they had these ugly blue 80's ducks on them before... so I repainted and distressed and stained them to look more shabby chic/ primitive... they are perfect for storing ribbons in. I think Im much more likely to use this craft room now :)
I'm allergic to grass, but my mom wanted this picture
He is such a joy this month... less fussy and more playful and smiley and we
even get the occasional GENUINE laugh:) He is rolling all over and grasping
at all kinds of things. Isaiah really likes his rice cereal (mixed with a bit of nanner for taste)
cuz if mommy think it tastes like crap... she isnt feeding it to her lil man! :) We like flavor dont we baby boy?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Diaper Thankyous
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
happy boy
Now 10 weeks old, baby Isaiah is caught on camera SMILING for once! I tried and tried to get a picture of his smile.. but as soon as I put the camera to my face... he stopped smiling and stared with curiousity at the camera! haha... so here it FINALLY is! the PROOF my baby CAN smile :) He just loves to chat away in the morning with me.. and any new faces to look at he just grins and grins... its so cute:)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Isaiah's Birthday Story
I had faux contractions for about 3-4 weeks but Feb. 8th they started at 5 am... and kept on trucking.... then died off around 2pm. So I took a little nap on the couch... and woke up to a lovely gush of warm fluid.. my water had broke! After a quick hair fix and a couple changes of clothing (the water kept breaking! haha) Jon came home and we were off to the hospital... with contractions resuming by now and starting to HURT! We arrived to the hospital about 4 pm and some increasingly painful contractions.
I know, I know.. who takes a picture of
someone in PAIN???
They offered me the epidural right when I arrived
at the hospital... but I thought I could hold out.... and
about an hour later I gave in :) They gave me a WONERFUL
epidural and I just kept praising the Lord for modern medicine
the entire time it was in!
After the epidural, I dilated rather progressively.
When I was ready to push... they put my legs in the stirrups and
the babys HR dropped very low... so they got the VAC out
and told me to push as hard as I could... bc baby need to come out soon!
I pushed as hard as I could... and 2.5 pushes later Baby BOY came out!
Apgars were 8 and 9 and he was crying and pink! The cord was
compressed against his shoulder, around his waist and around his
little leg... poor guy! Born at 11:55 pm on Monday, Feb. 8th... 5 minutes
early for his DUE date! haha... the one and only time a Moeller is EARLY
for anything :)
Here they are after midnight seeing Isaiah for the first time.
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